Thursday, February 4, 2010


Of all the tabs, I think the ETC will be the most helpful. I like the layout and what we have included. In setting up Google Reader I have started receiving a science feed, and I saw many others I would like to add - as I have time to go through them.

I chose the lake scene because I enjoy nature and fishing. I figured that if I had to sit behind a computer all day, at least I could look at a nice warm outdoor scene - and in Michigan I could use the warmth right now.

I liked setting up the WGO tab because I included things that represent me and where I am. I have a gadget to follow Michigan State basketball/football. I would recommend everyone getting this gadget because you will be seeing them in the final four again this year. Tom Izzo certainly knows how to coach. I have also included state news, national news, and various gadgets I think will be useful. I even thought about including a game, but that would be counterproductive. I would end up wasting time!

The AR/CBL tab is one that I need to put the most work into. I need to include links and gadgets that will benefit me in working on my AR project. I think I will spend sometime refining this tab.

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